Tales from a Tidepool

Located on marine coastlines, rocky shores and sandy beaches is the dynamic intertidal zone ecosystem. Experience the unique biodiversity of Napean sea intertidal zone ecosystem through amazing pictures and first-hand experience described by the author. Also learn about the negative impacts of humans on this delicate ecosystem.


Discover the fascinating world of cell signalling and communication in this article. G-protein Coupled Receptors transmit extracellular signals to the cell’s interior and elicit a response. They have diverse functions in physiological and biochemical signalling. Read more to understand the complex structure and intricate pathways associated with this protein!

The Role of AI and ML in Diagnosing Neurodegenerative Disorders

With a game-changing impact, AI and Machine Learning are reshaping the diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases. From early detection of Alzheimer’s to analysing the symptoms of Parkinson’s, these technologies promise early intervention. Read more to explore the transformative power of AI in unlocking the future of healthcare.

Eavesdropping on Neuronal Gossip

It has been theorized and proven that synchronizations of neuronal activity in different parts of the brain lead to neural oscillations, more commonly known as “Brain Waves.” But what are these “brain activities,” and how do they originate? Read this interesting article to find out more!

Experimenting my way through Molecular Medicine Laboratory

During the summer break after my second year of BSc at St. Xavier’s College, Mumbai, I got the opportunity to intern at a Molecular Medicine lab under the guidance of various people, at Reliance Life Sciences in Rabale. While most work being carried out there might not seem as fancy as you would expect, all the knowledge and experience I was able to gain makes everything pale in comparison. The sheer scope of the number of samples that the Covid testing department of the lab handled on a day-to-day basis with their rotation of morning, afternoon and night shifts blew my mind. And this was just one department that I got to experience for 3 days of the one month that I spent there.

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